How to store Roasted Coffee at home
There is a lot of misinformation about how to ‘correctly’ store roasted coffee at home. Allow us to show you how to effectively store your precious coffee. Step aside, we are taking those beans out of the fridge for good. We are here to set the record straight. Let’s get to it. There are some…
There is a lot of misinformation about how to ‘correctly’ store roasted coffee at home. Allow us to show you how to effectively store your precious coffee. Step aside, we are taking those beans out of the fridge for good. We are here to set the record straight. Let’s get to it.
There are some facts about the topic, but there is also a lot of opinion – which is fine, so long as it’s clearly stated as opinion! 🙂 Here are the facts about how to store roasted coffee at home:
- Fact: Roasted coffee stales rapidly. Correct storage is designed to slow down that process
- Fact: Whole beans stale a lot less rapidly than ground coffee.
- Fact: After roasting, most, if not all, coffee benefits from a ‘resting’ period of 2-7 days before the flavours and character peak.
- Fact: Oxygen is the enemy of roasted coffee when it comes to slowing down staling.
Bearded Brewer Coffee bags have a unique gas exchange valve system. These valves allow the CO2 released by the beans post-roast to build to a certain pressure before being vented out of the bag. The valves do not allow outside air into the pouch.
These bags are heat sealed before leaving the roastery.
When you open the bag to begin using the coffee, follow these simple steps to maintain the freshness as long as possible:
When you’ve removed the beans you need, squeeze excess air out of the bag, fold the top down a few times and hold in place with a clip, peg or similar.
Store the bag in a cool, dark place – most pantries are suitable.
Never ever store coffee in the fridge. Full stop. Condensation will quickly spoil the coffee, and it will absorb tastes and odours from other products in the fridge.
If you need to build up a stock of fresh coffee for any reason, we suggest this approach:
- Store the unopened bag in the freezer.
- When you are ready to start using that coffee, remove the bag from the freezer and allow to defrost at room temperature for at least a couple of hours.
- Open, use and store as above.
- Do not refreeze the coffee!
Airscapes are a great way to store roasted coffee. See our range below