Alternative Milks

What do we use and why. We love coffee. We’re coffee roasters first and foremost, but we also pride ourselves on producing a top-notch cup of joe when you purchase a drink from us in The Roastery or when we’re on the road and at events. There are a range of factors that go into…


What do we use and why.

We love coffee. We’re coffee roasters first and foremost, but we also pride ourselves on producing a top-notch cup of joe when you purchase a drink from us in The Roastery or when we’re on the road and at events.

There are a range of factors that go into making a great coffee. First is the age-old adage – ‘you eat with all of your senses’. Well the same is true when you’re talking about a beverage and not just for food. We form an initial opinion based on the look, feel and smell, we’re even influenced by the environment and atmosphere we find ourselves in, before we’ve had that first sip – but that’s a topic for another time.

When it comes time to actually taste your drink you are getting the result of not just an incredibly well roasted coffee but also the equipment, the person using that equipment and the milk as well (assuming you drink a milk based coffee) So why would we go to great lengths to produce award winning coffee, use top of the line gear and employ passionate baristas who are continually learning and improving in their craft to stumble at the last hurdle and use sub-standard milk? We wouldn’t!

As a team we have collectively used a range of alternative milks, in a variety of different venues over a number of years in the hospitality industry, behind numerous coffee machines. The companies producing these milks have emerged, grown and in some cases, dropped off the map altogether, so it is important that we are constantly on the lookout for new and improved products to ensure that we are mixing the best milks with our coffee to maintain our high standard of product offering.

When we opened The Roastery in 2020 (because who doesn’t open a new small business in the middle of a global pandemic?!) We decided on a few options that we could stand behind and that we believed were the best at the time. In the last few months alone we have been presented with new products that have made us think twice, taste twice, test twice and ultimately come to the decision that there are new and superior products available and, with all of the above in mind, we have made the switch to now offer the complete range of Alternative Dairy Co. alternative milks with their oat, almond and soy milk alternatives. So, move over beef milk, (I hope there’s some fellow Park’s & Rec fans reading this) there’s some new milk options in town!

We will be writing more detailed articles diving into each one and why we believe they’re currently the best in the biz and why we think you should give them a try yourself. Whether you’re a café owner or just a regular coffee drinker, keep an eye out for Alternative Dairy Co. and discover a whole new world of milks to pair with our award-winning coffee beans.

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